Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Adventure #22-- The Rules

I think we each have a set of internal rules that, if we obey them, make us happier. For your reading pleasure, I have underlined the ones that apply to me, because, let's face it, I'm fascinating and you want to know aaaaalllll about me.

Anywaho, for some people (me), those rules are things like "If I don't have quiet time to myself at least once a day, I will freak out and stab someone in the neck." For other people they are things like "if I don't listen to music I don't work or study as well" or

Magnificent culinary achievement. Nothin' wrong with cheese.

"Full-fat cheese is the enemy" (pish tosh!)... I've been thinking about my own set of rules lately, and have come to an important conclusion:

One of the greatest rules of yours truly is.... DRUMROLL PLEASE....

If I don't do a chore at night, I'm definitely not going to get it done in the morning. 

I do this crap constantly, where I say "I'll do it in the morning." Do I EVER do it in the morning? NO! In the morning, I do things like transfer myself from my bed to the guest bed, play on the internet for way too long, then scramble around like an insane wildebeest, fling myself into and out of the shower, and run out the door headlong, iced coffee in hand.

Does the litter box need to be cleaned, Sarah? Do it before you go to bed.
Does the laundry need to be put in the dryer? Do it before you go to bed.
Does the cold brewed coffee need to be strained into the pitcher? Do it before you go to bed.


Do the financial statements for that board meeting need to be prepared? For the love of god, do it before you go to bed.

I have never regretted getting something done the night before.

I always regret not having done it earlier when I'm in the mad rush to get out the door the next day.


A somewhat related and extremely annoying other life rule of mine is:

The only way to feel better is to do what is hanging over your head.

In life, in work, or at home, this is true for me. When I'm stressed, it is almost 100% of the time because I am procrastinating with something that is either unpleasant or difficult or both. The giant heap of folded laundry that will take less than 5 minutes to put into the drawer. The work project that is 95% complete except for one stupid question you can't bring yourself to ask. The tedious mind-numbing task. The check you keep forgetting to write. Just do it and get it over with. Really, really, Sarah, you will feel better.

And finally:

It's a lot easier to avoid temptation in the store than in your house.

This is why I have banned myself from buying the following items except for special occasions:

  • Doritos
  • Candy
  • Wine (I know, right? I can be trusted with beer or liquor, but not wine. Weird.)
  • Double stuff oreos

If any of these items are in my house, I will make less than ideal choices.

Those are the rules of my life.

I also have one single rule for my house that I will include just in case any of you come to a party at chez moi:

If you have to throw up, do it outside.


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