Thursday, August 1, 2013

Adventure #20-- Homemade Makeup Brush Cleaner

 Do you ever actually make things you see on pinterest? I don't. I'm not crafty, first of all, and I'm extremely cheap, second of all. So I don't want to waste money on something that will likely turn out to be an abomination. But that's neither here nor there, since today's post is about how I actually did something I saw on pinterest.

This is a sick thing to admit, but I basically never wash my makeup brushes. Grody to the max, right? So, I saw this brush cleaner recipe on pinterest and sent it to my sister. She raved about how well it worked, but I completely ignored her. Until tonight.


  • 1 cup really hot water
  • 1 tbsp white vinegar
  • 1 tbsp dish soap

Generic brand vinegar and Palmolive! Fancy!

Peep investigates.

The second my foundation brush hit the mixture. 

Seriously, y'all. It worked SO FAST. You know how black tea immediately turns the hot water that gorgeous dark brown? It was like that, but really gross. 

Foundation brush and eyeshadow brush after swirling around
a bit. The liquid was completely opaque by this point.

EEEEW. It looks like a cheerful pink in this photo, but it was brownish pink, like a sad melted chocolate strawberry milkshake. My makeup isn't even that color. I have no idea how this horrific slurry of pinkish brown happened. I rinsed the brushes out, but they were pretty much perfectly clean when they came out of the cleaner. I made a second batch of the cleaner just to see how much crap was left in the brushes, but the first batch cleaned them extremely well, and hardly any more makeup came out the second time through. 

Ooooo... Aaaahh...

The brushes are drying right now, but they already look so much better and do not smell like vinegar at all. I will definitely be using this recipe frequently in the future. Yay!

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