Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Adventure #6-- Pajama day

Sloth: the cutest of all the deadly sins.

Today I did almost nothing. I slept until 10 a.m. I got out of bed and migrated to the couch to check facebook. I ate a toaster waffle. Some time later I ate leftover pasta. I snuggled with the kitties. I worked on the stocking I'm making for my niece for a little while. I ate some candy. I stalked the internet more. I remained in my pajamas. JJ woke up and we hung out for a while.

Around 6 p.m. I finally took a shower. Then I painted my nails. I went to choir an hour later. I have returned home from choir, reattached my ass-end to the couch and am now tossing back a glass of wine. The only useful things I've done today around the house are one load of laundry, unloading the dishwasher, and making the bed. However, I count today to be an epic success, though perhaps in a peculiar way.

Story time: When JJ and I first moved to town, I didn't have a job for several weeks. I joked that I was a trophy wife (which, if you know me at all, is slightly absurd) and that I was going to swan around town doing trophy wife things. Yeah, that ended when I basically had a complete meltdown because I hated having so much free time. At that point in my life, about a year and a half ago, I spent all that free time becoming neurotic and anxious rather than enjoying myself. So I got a part-time job, took four classes, got crazy involved with a ton of stuff, and had zero free time. Then I finished school, studied for and took the CPA exam and got a second job. I have never enjoyed free time or "relaxing" and in the past found it to be annoying at best.

Fast forward to last month... I quit one of my jobs (the "regular" one) the week before Thanksgiving in anticipation of having to restudy for a section of the CPA exam before I started my new job in January. Turns out I passed that section of the CPA exam (and the next one!), so I'm now on a six week pseudo vacation. I work a day or two a week at my remaining job, and have the rest of the week to myself. JJ is working crazy pre-Christmas hours, so I barely see him. When I found out that I passed the section of the CPA exam that I presumed I had failed, I actually got worried about having all that free time.

I don't know what is so different between the "today" me and the "year and a half ago" me, but instead of finding this free time stressful and neurosis-amplifying, I am enjoying the daylights out of it. Possibly because I know my time off will end soon and will be followed by working at a job with extremely long hours? I don't know, but I thought I'd write about today because although on the outside it was nothing remarkable to you or to me or to my life, it has been a very good day on the first vacation during which I've actually been able to relax in my whole life. I'm enjoying it immensely.

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